

Even small fires can para­lyse an en­tire pro­duc­tion fa­cil­ity. The risk of fire is con­sid­er­able: tech­nical de­fects in pro­duc­tion fa­cil­it­ies, open con­struc­tion meth­ods and net­work­ing of pro­duc­tion areas fa­vour the rapid spread of fire.

Auto­mot­ive plants

Wood pro­cessing plants

Steel plants

Food plants


Fire dam­age in just one sec­tion of a power plant is enough to en­danger the en­tire power sup­ply. The fire risks are man­i­fold: leak­ing lub­ric­at­ing oils that ig­nite on hot sur­faces, tech­nical de­fects such as short cir­cuits or over­heat­ing of tur­bines that cause a fire.

Com­bined cycle power plants

Coal power plants

Re­cyc­ling plants

Wind en­ergy plants


Ships and other off-shore areas have a higher than av­er­age need for safety due to the spe­cial con­di­tions at sea, as a quick es­cape is im­possible and help in fight­ing fires from out­side is often not to be ex­pec­ted.

Pas­sen­ger ves­sels


Pub­licly ac­cess­ible areas re­quire fire pro­tec­tion that en­sures com­pre­hens­ive per­sonal pro­tec­tion. The fire risks are many and var­ied: short cir­cuits of demon­stra­tion equip­ment or light­ing in re­tail, the high fire load of the con­sid­er­able quant­it­ies of goods in a small area in lo­gist­ics areas.

Lo­gistic cen­ters


Of­fice build­ings


Per­sonal pro­tec­tion has top pri­or­ity, be­cause fire risks are man­i­fold. Care­less smoking, short cir­cuits of light­ing equip­ment or tech­nical equip­ment or even arson can be the cause of fires.

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