Even small fires can paraÂlyse an enÂtire proÂducÂtion faÂcilÂity. The risk of fire is conÂsidÂerÂable: techÂnical deÂfects in proÂducÂtion faÂcilÂitÂies, open conÂstrucÂtion methÂods and netÂworkÂing of proÂducÂtion areas faÂvour the rapid spread of fire.

AutoÂmotÂive plants

Wood proÂcessing plants

Steel plants

Food plants
Fire damÂage in just one secÂtion of a power plant is enough to enÂdanger the enÂtire power supÂply. The fire risks are manÂiÂfold: leakÂing lubÂricÂatÂing oils that igÂnite on hot surÂfaces, techÂnical deÂfects such as short cirÂcuits or overÂheatÂing of turÂbines that cause a fire.

ComÂbined cycle power plants

Coal power plants

ReÂcycÂling plants

Wind enÂergy plants
Ships and other off-shore areas have a higher than avÂerÂage need for safety due to the speÂcial conÂdiÂtions at sea, as a quick esÂcape is imÂpossible and help in fightÂing fires from outÂside is often not to be exÂpecÂted.

PasÂsenÂger vesÂsels
PubÂlicly acÂcessÂible areas reÂquire fire proÂtecÂtion that enÂsures comÂpreÂhensÂive perÂsonal proÂtecÂtion. The fire risks are many and varÂied: short cirÂcuits of demonÂstraÂtion equipÂment or lightÂing in reÂtail, the high fire load of the conÂsidÂerÂable quantÂitÂies of goods in a small area in loÂgistÂics areas.

LoÂgistic cenÂters


OfÂfice buildÂings
PerÂsonal proÂtecÂtion has top priÂorÂity, beÂcause fire risks are manÂiÂfold. CareÂless smoking, short cirÂcuits of lightÂing equipÂment or techÂnical equipÂment or even arson can be the cause of fires.

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